Video Interaction Guidance
Real Life Support for Real Life Parents

Video Interaction Guidance
VIG is an intervention through which a practitioner uses video clips of real-life situations to help parents see what is working well for them in their interactions with their child and reflect on how to build on the moments where they feel attuned and connected. Your VIG practitioner will not advise you on what you should do differently, and they won’t offer solutions; they provide space to reflect on what you want to do more of in your interactions and empower you in doing more of what works. Sometimes parents don’t know what they are doing well and viewing video clips provide them with this knowledge. You and your VIG practitioner will watch the clips together and share your thoughts and ideas. VIG is a compassionate, respectful, hopeful and strengths-based intervention. If you have thoughts that you are not doing a good job as a parent, VIG can help you move into a new narrative about yourself as a parent, about your child and about your relationship with your child.
VIG has been developed over the past 20 years and it is used worldwide. VIG is recommended by the National Institute for Care and Health Excellence (NICE), who advises NHS and non-NHS services on the interventions that have good supportive evidence behind them. Research has shown that VIG can improve the child/care giver relationship and increase attachment security.
A video created by Think Visually, December 2012.
Director: Oliver Prothero
Visual concept & illustration: Jessica Hindle / Oliver Prothero
Editing & animation: Michael Ford

A First Meeting
Our first session is a place to explore your current experiences and find out how you would like things to be different. We will identify situations where you feel things work well between you and your child.
The introduction sessions last up to an hour and can be face-to-face or online via Teams.

Agreeing What To Film
During the first meeting, we will decide on what moment to film. Your VIG clinical psychologist will film you interacting or playing with your child for about 5 minutes.

Before the Next Meeting
In between your first and second meeting, your VIG clinical psychologist will edit the clip into very short moments, and these will be shared with you at the next meeting. We call this “a shared review”. You and your clinical psychologist will both reflect on what you notice and when things are going well in the interaction. This session is around 30 minutes.
The process of filming and sharing a clip is called a ‘cycle’. This is where the first cycle ends.

Future Cycles
How many more cycles you do is up to you, but most parents find that three or four cycles is most helpful.
Would you like to arrange your first cycle? Please get in touch